BTemplates For Free Blogger Templates
If You are looking for free responsive Blogger Templates than you can download from BTemplates. On this website, there is a large collection of blogger templates for free.
On this website, you can search for any type of templates, and also you can get your template by selecting the option.
There are four options available:
- Style: In this option, you can select the style according to your blog or website. Eg. Magazine, Gallery, Minimalist, etc.
- Features: In this option, you will find a total of 11 options for selecting the templates according to your blog or website. Eg. Premium, Responsive, Adapted Fron Wordpress, Post thumbnails, Social bookmarking, etc.
- Topis: You can download blogger templates according to your topic of website or blog for free. In this option, you will get 27 topics and you can select according to your topic like Book, Art, Fashion, Games, Kids, Movies, News, etc.
- Columns: If you are looking for a perfect column in your blog or website then you can download from here according to your choice. There are seven options that are 1 Column, 2 Columns, 3Columns, etc.
- Colors: If you need a color based blogger templates then you can download from this option. There are more than 10 color options. Colors like Black, Red, White, Green, Pink, etc.