Free Online Coding Tutorial "W3Schools"
If you are looking for free Coding tutorials than you should visit W3Schools, this website contains lot of tutorials for free.
Here are some topics that you can learn on W3Schools:
- HTML & CSS → Html, CSS, Bootstrap, W3.CSS, Colors, Icons, Graphics, How To, Sass.
- JavaScript → JavaScript, jQuery, React, ANgular JS, JASON, AJAX, W3.JS.
- Programming Language → Python, Java, C++, C#, Machine Learning.
- Server Side → SQL, PHP, ASP, Node.js, Raspberry Pi.
- Web Building → Web Templates, Web Statistics, Web Certificates, Web Editor, Web Development.
- XML Tutorials → XML, XML AJAX, XML DOM, XML DTD, XML Schema, XSLT, XPath, XQuery.
And after learning your coding skills you can do exercise in the exercise section and check your coding skills very easily.
Also, you can play quiz coding games and improve and check your skill.
And when you feel that you are skilled in coding then you can also get a certificate after completing the paid exam. The entrance fee for this exam is $95.00.